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When I was around 8 years old, I remember wishing that money would go away, that it would disappear from my life and from the world. As a child I literally felt that money was the source of all problems. I thought money was the reason we had to move out of our home. Money was the reason we didn’t have hot water sometimes and it was the reason we scrounged for quarters under the couch cushions to pay for food. I didn’t want money to be a part of our lives at all, and yet I thought it was the only way to solve the constant stress and periods of lack where our basic needs were threatened. At the time, I couldn’t come up with a solution that would help my family out without money in it. I thought money was the root of all evil and stress in the world, a belief I now see others carrying around. 

As I grew up and independently created my own debt monkey, I felt like a failure, often. I carried my childhood concepts and now established beliefs about money into my own adulthood. I thought money was the reason I couldn’t go to the college I wanted to go to, and it was the reason I was going to college in the first place: because the world told me I needed to get a good job to make a good living. Money was a player in all of my decision-making. Money was part of the reason I chose certain relationships, and was a big part of why I went into pharmaceutical sales after college graduation. I had adopted a concept essentially that money was an inevitable part of life, and that I was doomed to not have it unless I showed up perfectly always, there were hefty doses of fear around money at all times. I literally gave money all the power. Money became a big hairy monster that I ran from and feared to my core, but that I couldn’t survive without.

I found help, lots of it. Therapists and healers helped me tremendously in several areas of my life, but my financial beliefs were a doozy. I am not at all perfect when it comes to money now, it still offers a challenge, but I have learned immense lessons along the way and I no longer live in paralyzing fear around money. There have been several financial fear discussions coming up lately with clients and it feels like a good time to share some of what I have learned along the way. (May this serve as a reminder to myself as well!)

“But, money gets me the house I want. Money pays the bills. My paycheck feeds our family. The job that is grinding on my soul is how I pay the rent. Money helps me feel okay, it relieves my anxiety and when I don’t have it, I feel awful.”

My questions: How do you know that the house you want won’t show up organically in your life if you are allowing yourself to align with divine guidance and the calling of your heart and reaching toward your dreams in deep courage and faith? Could all of these potential problems be solved by alignment with your highest good?

Money is not the problem if you are experiencing lack of financial stability or support. The problem is with your thoughts and beliefs. It could be fear, it could be lack-mentality, it could be old survival patterns or it could be a lack of self-worth or self-love. If you are experiencing lack, ask yourself, “What is the lesson!?” Change your solution strategy. Recognize that “getting money” doesn’t solve the issue of lack mentality or lack of self-worth. It goes back to the light versus dark idea, if you are in the dark, the way out is by turning on the light. Light being courage and faith, light being a knowing that you are divinely supported always, that energy will support whatever your thoughts decide and place attention on. You have creative capacity on your side, and you have deep callings in you heart helping you reach toward your highest good. Alignment with this, with the divine inside you, choosing bravely toward it won’t hurt the lack situation, it will help.

When I was laid off from a soul-grinding job, I cried it out with an all day, fear-indulgent, self-pity party. I had given everything to this job, and I was still barely able to pay my rent. Where was the money going to come from? I was in complete lack mentality, totally attached to an unhealthy situation, because I didn’t feel worthy of a better scenario. I remember praying and handing everything over in surrender. A magical day passed and I remember the gratitude I felt for what was about to happen, the raw unknowing, and simple blind faith, all I had left. Losing my job was a massive open door of opportunity to align with where I needed to move, literally I moved across the country and back toward my joy. I had been suffering immensely and needed to be rocked. I got the message. Money didn’t get me home, a new job didn’t bring me to my joy, getting quiet and aligning with my essence and the divine did. I mustered courage, I trusted, and I learned. My family stepped up; all corners of the Universe seemed to fold into a cocoon of one beautiful messy month that led me back home.

There is support beyond money for your situation, always. Remember this support, this divine alliance that is always working on your behalf and the universal energetic response to walking toward the sweet truth of your heart. Our question need not be, “Where will the money come from?” but perhaps instead, “Where will the joy come from?” “When do I feel most fulfilled?” (Most likely the answer will NOT be, “When my bank account is full,” or “When I am enslaved to a job I hate by my own choices.”) Point being, money is not the problem or the answer.

Safety and freedom are basic human needs. Or if you are familiar with the teachings of Tony Robbins, he says two of the “Six Human Needs” are “Certainty and Uncertainty/Variety.” We will look for these needs, safety and freedom, to be met in every area of our lives: in our families, in our friendships, in our romantic partnerships, in our careers, in our finances. Our safety, our sense of security and stability does not lie in our bank account. No amount of money can offer us sustainable safety and security, or protection, as money is ultimately not ours, nor is it a thing, it is a constantly moving energy who’s impact is determined energetically. Our key to freedom, choice, options and variety is not money either. Once again, aligning with the essence of who we are, our truth, and with the power that beats our heart and that created all expression is what will give us safety, and what provides our freedom. We have choice around how much attention and emotional charge we put on money, and whether that is positive or negative, we have choice around the meaning and value of money, and we have the choice of understanding that it is not what provides our safety or our freedom. Let’s not anchor into money as our lifeline, because it isn’t.

“I can’t start the business of my dreams because I don’t have the money.” “Jumping into my passions and the deep longings of my heart would be so much easier if I had money.” “I will wait until I make more money to take time for my art.”

Our financial situation has so much more to do with choice than with circumstance. I can’t recommend enough Marianne Williamson’s latest book, The Law of Divine Compensation where she discusses the opportunity for collaboration versus competition, and making love (not money) our bottom line.

“Putting love first means knowing that the universe supports you in creating the good, the holy, and the beautiful. It means knowing that you’re on earth for a purpose, and that the purpose itself will create opportunities for its accomplishment.” Marianne Williamson, The Law of Divine Compensation

There is nothing in the way of your dreams except for you. Money is not the problem. Your choice to not move forward without it is. Jump in knowing you will be divinely supported, that is the way the Universe is set up to work. Marie Forleo says, “Start before you’re ready,” I couldn’t agree more. Waiting to be who you are is suffering. Move forward toward your dreams, uncertain of the “how” maybe, but certain that you will be provided for and supported along the way, that is faith. Set yourself free by knowing that you are divinely protected and taken care of when you’re in your loving service, your highest expression.

“FAITH is the “eternal elixir” which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought!” Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich 

“I need more money in the bank before I marry the woman of my dreams.” “He could never love me with my credit score the way it is.” “I don’t deserve that trip I’ve been longing to take, my bonus was smaller than expected.” “Sales are not at all what I hoped for, my creation must really suck.”

According to Wikipedia, “Net worth, (sometimes called net assets) is the total assets minus the total outside liabilities of an individual or a company.” If we can re-define assets as virtues and characteristics, and liabilities as fear, or lack-based thoughts, feeling separate, our net worth looks a little different. You want to feel high worth? Eliminate your fears. Work through lack and competitive instincts. Put yourself out there and creatively express. Love and accept yourself. Be patient, kind, compassionate. Allow grace. Speak your truth. Forgive yourself.

Money does not provide self-worth or self-love, but love and aligning with love and being love and creating love has the power to create anything, including money. Investing in your highest good will yield energetic returns. You will enjoy “success” as it is defined by you if you know you are worthy of it, in fact that you were created for it. Money does not determine success, or worth, you do.

Money is energy. Energy goes where our attention is directed; it follows. If we put our attention on our bills, and that attention looks like thoughts of lack: “I’m scared there won’t be enough to last through the month. How am I going to survive? I’ll never get out of debt.” By Universal law, the energy starts flowing directly in support of your thoughts. You will manifest more opportunities to worry about money; you will infuse your lack with more lack. If you change the thoughts to ones of gratitude, as Louise Hay shares in her book, You Can Heal Your Life, you will automatically set the Universe in motion to usher in more to be grateful for.

Money does not deserve your fear. The second we fear something; we give our power over to it and become wilted, helpless victims. We cause our own depression, frustration, anxiety and worry in this way. Money is not here to cripple us or take our dignity. It is simply energy, light. Lots of people learn lessons through money, myself included, but money is ultimately neutral and we are responsible for the energy we put on it. If we wrap light in light, it gets bigger, if we wrap light with dark (or fear) it disappears, or our lack grows. Money is an energetic by-product of what we create and the direction we are going.

“What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.” Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life

Money isn’t bad or evil or wrong in any way. It is neutral until we put a charge on it. We create the value of money. Think about this: If I offer you a blank piece of paper the same size as a dollar bill in one hand and in the other I offer a $100 bill, which will you take? Why? We have a value concept on the $100 bill that makes it worth something to us. To the Universe, these are the exact same thing. Also, when you do your online banking and the energy it takes to move let’s say $500 to pay bills takes two seconds and a “click, click” on your laptop keyboard, but the energetic impact is big in your mind, understand that to the Universe that action of “click, click” is so incredibly minor and neutral until you charge it with a vibration and emotional response. So, consciously move you money with gratitude and openness, and faith that you are already everything you need to be in order to deserve support toward your highest good! 


  • Look at what concepts you brought in from childhood around money that are showing up in your adult finances. Maybe spend a minute here in forgiveness. Recognize that anything negative you learned was probably also learned by your parents in their childhood as well. Change the patterns with what you teach your children or the youth around you about money. We will be divinely supported when we align with our highest good. (Keep in mind, the support does not show up the way we think it will, so it may not be stacks of money, or a paycheck, it may be giant gifts or open doors of opportunity…this goes back to not restricting the how, and remembering to keep our hearts open to divine possibilities and miracles.)
  • Do what you love because there is only one of you. There is room for you and your beautiful expression and there is room for your soul work. You will be supported along the way. The two things you need most are courage and faith.
  • Get focused with your attention, so that money can show up. When we scatter our light or send love and energy in several directions rather than making a few decisions, we are setting our financial situation up to be scattered and disorganized. Focus on where you want money to head, and what you ultimately want it to support, and then walk toward that dream, that truth that is inside of you. Stop the insanity of trying to be a thousand things and stick to what is true to you! Stop just trying to make ends meet by grasping at straws, and instead start thriving in one direction. You’d be surprised how much more energy you will have if you focus!
  • Decide what you need to feel comfortable, and what you want in order to help the world and give your loving service, and then accept that this is already available to you. This goes back to the never-ending abundant supply closet. Is money something you truly need for what you feel you are here to do this lifetime? Remember that it is only one of the millions of recognizable manifestations of potential support. Really look at what you need. The Universe doesn’t care what you ask for, it only supports it.
  • Wealth does not equal greed, nor does poverty equal noble character. When you wrote down your highest, did you find yourself afraid of money? Scared to write down the true expression of your highest desires because they require money and big money at that? So, you want to take your entire family on a trip to the pyramids in Egypt. This is not too big. The Universal supply closet is absolutely abundant. Be more concerned with expressing too small, or squashing your needs to fit into your worthiness. I believe if we truly express what we want our lives to be, and that expression isn’t an egoic effort to keep up with the Jones’s, but instead is an expression of our soul, it is not too much to ask, and it is probably necessary for the work and love we are going to bring into the world through our loving service. 

I can now happily say I have worked to stay aligned with my highest and I’ve never felt more divinely supported or loved. I am taken care of and fulfilled. I choose courage and faith. When I don’t, or when I put worry or stress out, or when I expect others to fill me where I am only lacking due to my own issues, I get reminders. I re-align and I accept my humanness.

 Reach toward your highest good, your deepest soul expression, your truest self, unfold into the light that you already are and walk with unwavering faith and courage toward doing what you love, being you. There is no amount of money that can offer the fulfillment that doing what you truly love and loving who you truly are will. But when your heart is full, and you are grateful for the fulfillment you are feeling by aligning with your loving service, the energy will automatically usher in more to be grateful for, and that abundance just may show up as financial freedom. 

I want to hear your money miracles! Please comment and share below!



  1. Alicia Bravo

    Meeting with you was amazing and gave me such a sense of freedom. This blogpost is totally inline with all we discussed. I am thankful for this and you.


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