Dearest friends,
We are here again, pine and spice, peace and light, and this time the holidays are rounding out an entire decade.
Take a deep breath.
I love writing these letters each year, where I tune in and receive whatever guidance wants to pop in for this very special, and sometimes very stressful season. My intention with this simple list of reminders is that it is light and supportive during a time when staying centered can be more challenging and the world outside might have us frantic.
Without further ado, let’s start here:
Receive the gift of relaxation.
The lists, the lines, the traffic, the decorating, the cooking, the cleaning, the hosting, the showing up, the pressure—I get it. Losing sleep is not uncommon during the holidays with the endless stimulation and anticipation. And yet, nature guides us to pause, to make space, to get quiet and listen. We took this time off of work for a reason, right? The reason we take time away from our typical schedule at the end of the year isn’t just in celebration and honoring of the holidays, but also to honor our need to replenish.
Meditate, breathe, move your body in nature and enjoy silence. Say no when it serves you. Uphold your boundaries with integrity—even with your family and even with the part of your ego that finds a way to feel guilty. Let your heart be light as the famous song says, because stress will not serve your soul, or your spirit this holiday.
Put joy first.
I like to say that our highest joy is really our love, activated. Ask yourself what your highest joy would be this holiday season. For me, it is about presence and connection, creativity and keeping it light and bright this year. I will be soaking in everything that is precious and magical about this season, a fleeting one with my three and four-year-old sons. My highest joy also looks like finding ways to bless others. Blessing others in even the smallest way with a simple kindness or offering of support where I feel called lights up my heart and helps me model something I value to my children.
Pause for a moment and ask your heart what you want to feel this holiday. Ask your soul what she desires and needs. Ask what would be most fulfilling as you close up the year. Ask the Divine for guidance.
Choosing to actively move toward your highest joy lifts your energy into alignment where synchronicity and support abound, and where miracles can truly happen. Let your holidays be miraculous and joyful, where your loving essence is a blessing in its most radiant form.
Release the perfection pressure.
I made gingerbread houses this year that pitifully crumbled. I wasted icing, I got annoyed, I propped them up and fought for them and then gave up. Somewhere along the way I lost sight of WHY I was doing this in the first place, for my kids! We made them with friends the next day and do you know what? Nobody cared that they were floppy and messy, because that wasn’t the point.
Generally speaking, I think the holidays are a good time to embrace “perfectly imperfect.” Because, let’s face it, something usually doesn’t go as planned. Remember why you are doing what you are doing. What is it about your activity that is leading to your highest joy, your love activated and your soul fulfillment? A feeling perhaps, or connection, giving or serving in some way—stay there. Your soul doesn’t need perfect, and especially during the holidays.
Sing! Your angels want to hear you.
Friend, this might sound silly but I mean it, I have been told over and over by our angels (like literally as I type this) that they love when we lift our voices. I think it is because it has a way of opening our vessels so we can connect, opening our hearts so we can feel love. It is no wonder that singing is integrated in so many cultures’ churches, customs, ceremonies and celebrations around the world. Sing to connect with your angels, sing for your heart and sing for joy. If you feel too sheepish or you’re in a meeting, write letters to your angels, and share your gratitude. Send a telepathic message, they’ll get it.
Ask them to be with you as you host a gathering or show up to a family dinner. Ask your angels to be with you as you drive in traffic. And don’t tell me it doesn’t feel good to belt out your favorite song alone in your car, just do it! Remember your angels want to hear from you, dedicate your jam to them. (You can also ask them to send a song to you, that is always fun!)
Listen and give to yourself.
There is a deeply important part of giving we often overlook—giving to ourselves. I don’t mean giving in a way that is narcissistic, but instead in a way that says, “Soul, I honor you today. I am going to give you what you need.” And listen to her. Listen to your own soul’s needs. Do what you need to in order to take care of yourself, because it is your primary responsibility. When I put it that way, it feels justified and in integrity to give to yourself, right? You are responsible for your wholeness, happiness and fulfillment. Determining the choices you need to make and the support you need to get there will also be a personal process. Much of your spiritual wellness requires giving yourself the gift of time. Like asking yourself what brings you joy, so that you can move toward it. And it will be worth every minute you spend dancing with the soul inquiry.
Find connection through service.
In the darker moments, when you’re feeling empty and all of the self-care doesn’t seem to be igniting your light, please remember that connection is intimacy and we all need connection to thrive. So, focus on service as a means to re-connect to life. You have something to give, always, just by being you. Meditate on world peace, offer your heart in prayer, hold a door, give a compliment, listen, make a meal, show up for a cause, light an intention or prayer candle, truly see someone. Your heart in service to Divine connection and Love is always worthy, even if it feels like a small offering.
Allow yourself grieve.
This has been a turbulent and unveiling year. Many of us have experienced feelings on behalf of the collective we never knew we would have. Our hearts have been wrenched. The holidays bring up all of the dust bunnies from the year. So, do yourself a favor and watch a movie that gets you, and let it out. Share your feelings with someone, journal and burn, see a therapist, but whatever you do, don’t fake a happy face just to appease anyone. Be where you are. Allow those around you to see your truth and what you’re in. If you are worried about anyone’s expectation of you, drop it. That is a worry that distracts you from moving through this dark tunnel and sweet friend, there is light on the other side. Bring your tools, your besties, and your angels and let yourself go there because healing comes from grieving and healing is by its nature miraculous, even if it hurts.
Also, YOU ARE HERE. If you are reading this, I promise you are further along than you know. You are doing something for yourself right now, you are honoring your soul right now and you are receiving. It is not lost on me that there are people everywhere suffering, you may be suffering deeply. I honor you. I am sending you love. Thank you for having the courage to feel right now.
Please know you can reach out and I will connect on your behalf, and be a vessel of love by your side. And let me just say this, thank you for being a part of my community. I know you desire to be connected to your soul, to the Creator of all that is and to the force of Love that is life. Keep choosing in. Your light matters, always.
“Sit in the seat of your most nurtured self.” My guides wanted me to offer that to any of you who are heading into your spiritual practice or wish to connect with your own soul or guidance team.
Wishing you the lightest and brightest holidays full of joy! I look forward to supporting you in the new year!
With love,
P.S. Need a little more support? Consider booking an Intuitive Wellness Mini-Session and check out the Holiday Guidance from 2018.
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