Live a Divinely Guided Life
Hi! I’m Jenna, your Intuitive Consultant, helping you navigate from your radiant Light, your inner wisdom, and teaching you the language of your intuition, helping you connect more deeply with the Divine.
Welcome home.
Home is where we’re headed, back to expressing from the Light you came from, at home in our inner landscape. We’ll be back to orienting from your internal spark that breathes and moves with the Divine. We will usher you softly and with a little kick-butt motivation into your Highest expression. We will find the inspiration, encouragement, acknowledgment and support you need from your spiritual essence to help make that happen. The truth longs to express through you in a magnificent way. I know because I have been there. I felt the disconnect, I felt the deeper longings, I said no to my intuition, I ignored my truth until my body stopped functioning, my spirit was squashed and my soul started to shrivel, all while my life looked perfect on paper. There is so much more for you, and I want to help you reconnect.
I am wildly intuitive and so are you.
I am passionate about, and delightedly gifted in, helping you navigate your life into Divine Alignment. I am honored to serve you. Whether you are looking to connect with your inner wisdom, gain clarity on your path, move through deep transitions, bring intuitive practices into your workplace, express your spiritual gifts, or find new ideas, you’re in the right place.
Divine Alignment is your birthright.
You can be in relationship with your Creator. You are ready to reconnect through the inborn language of your own deep inner wisdom and listening, prayer, your deep soul desires and your luminous intuition. You were born for a life of community, connected loving service, fulfillment, freedom, and deep, humbling joy, peace and love. Divine Alignment is where supportive synchronicity and feeling held and Divinely guided lives.
You are called to so much more: wholeness and fulfillment.
In those rare quiet moments, your light is pointing you toward your callings, your passions, your dreams, your gifts, your radiant and connected intuition and your heart is burning to give and receive more love. Your body is asking you on subtle levels to pay attention. You hear the whispers in your soul. Let’s amplify them and start listening.
You are wired for loving service and connection.
We all are. Let me help you see how deepening your connection with your intuition can help you remember why you are here. If you long for a deeper sense of communion with God and you desire for that to translate into your expression, a more faithful, intimate and connected experience as you move through your daily life, let’s work together.
Living from a guided place is a wonderful way to live.
The light we have inside is Divine. It is connected to all that lives and breathes and moves. Whatever name you give that Divinity: God, Creator, Higher Power, Creative Intelligence…it is what loves us unconditionally, moves the planets and beats our hearts and if we align with it, connected to our Higher Self and using the language of intuition as a way to connect, we will live a more fulfilled and happier existence.
Your kids are the future.
Our children are our greatest teachers. They are guiding what will be and they learn from what we do rather than what we say. Children are closer to where we came from, the veil is thinner where they are. Some spiritual teaching, connection to others on a soul level, and acknowledgement of their sensitivity, intuition and power is truly significant and can be profoundly healing.
Your business is meant to serve and connect, and the bottom line needs to be love.
Old models of doing business are crumbling. There is an emergence of entrepreneurs and corporate consciousness that is evolving the freedom we find within our careers. We are paving new collaborative pathways for growth, personally and professionally at work. Rather than a typical hierarchy structure, there is more of a cyclical, familial, bonded and fluid offering emerging allowing the values that are the heartbeat of an organization to pulse through the entire organism. Our businesses are extension vessels of who we are, and inviting in an intuitive, spiritually rooted culture only optimizes our results.
Are you inspired to enliven your intuition yet? Let’s get started!
Work with MeMy Why:
This is my calling, it is my loving service, it is what I am here to do. Having the intimate privilege of being a support vessel for my clients has offered a beautiful opportunity to show them how to be that themselves, how to connect with their own inner knowing, their God-given innate intuition. It is an incredibly empowering gift I feel grateful for and humbled by every day, trusting the spiritual guidance and encouragement that helps align my clients with their highest potential. It is a radiant, loving, and profound experience. When people feel “off track,” scared, or in transition, there is help within them, and all around them. I am honored to help connect them back into the space of knowing they are Divinely assisted, and eternally loved beyond measure.
I also do this work because of changes I want to see happen in the world. I believe there needs to be a deeper connection and more authentic integration of who we are at work, and who we are at home. I believe that our highest expression is always calling us. I believe that freedom and safety come from our connection to the Divine, whatever name we give it. I believe healing happens naturally from the inside out. I believe that children can keep their deep connection to their inner light and knowing, their truth, instead of being educated away from it. So the ultimate “why” is there is a need to fill, and I have been called to help fill that need. This often looks like walking people through navigating away from old patterns and reaching into open spaces where we allow co-creation through softening in prayer and surrender. We reach toward the fulfillment of our callings—where we awaken and shift into our loving service. Part of this means getting vulnerable, and exposing our true selves in all areas of life—taking a look at where we are trying and striving for the world, and where there are disconnects, facing our shadow and working through forgiveness. Fulfilling the need also looks like exploring education in the world and seeing who we might be able to learn from and share with, and it looks like working in a loving capacity, so that is what I do.
Meet Jenna
Intuitive Consultant & Founder of
I am grateful to be giving my loving service to the world each day. I love what I do.
Jenna Gessay is a visionary consultant and coach who finds her deepest joy helping people express their highest potential, living from a guided place using their intuition as a language to connect with the Divine. She loves traveling the world and exploring global education environments and lovingly offering guidance in support of connection to people of all ages, and businesses. She is a passionate entrepreneur and spiritual consultant, sans woo woo. She is a whole-hearted believer in you and your callings, and she is able to see big, and loves to shed light on that for you. She is passionate about helping people connect with their intuition and listen for the answers to their prayers, for Divine guidance and to discover their callings through an intimate relationship with a loving God. She has helped thousands of people change their lives in this way through her groundbreaking Intuitive Wellness sessions, Immersion Workshops and Programs.
With a Marketing degree, and background working for Fortune 500 companies, Jenna is savvy in the business world and knows how to use her intuitive sensibility to offer insight in support of bringing businesses up to their highest potential. She specializes in assisting game-changers with innovative ideas to launch successful, spiritually-rooted businesses and training business leaders to operate intuitively.
After 10 years in the pharmaceutical arena and an elite biotech career, working in teaching institutions, she is passionate about healing as an inside out job. She teaches several workshops to help empower healing movements through the mind/body/spirit connection.
Jenna’s Heartsong Adventures take her around the world exploring elementary education for the purpose of learning and collecting ideas to offer up to parents, teachers, and influencers to help children hold onto their radiant inner light.
What Else?
She lives with her husband, two vivacious sons and puppy Daphne near Boise, ID. She loves to snuggle up with novels by the fire, write, and talk, a lot. Jenna loves camping, hiking, being in nature, writing and teaching workshops and connecting with people through her work. She is fascinated with bridges. She loves to travel and meet and learn from the children of the world. She is grateful to bring her work to the world and looks forward to connecting with you.
Please understand that the information I provide is for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information I give you, including any actions you take, is your own personal responsibility and choice. All intuitive support provided and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation, intuition, and judgment. My services are not a substitute or meant to replace services by any physician or other health care professional. Please understand that working with any healing practitioner should in no way prevent or preclude you from seeing a medical doctor or psychiatrist.