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Following Thanksgiving I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude, I am calling this sense my gratitude leftovers. This year has been incredible and wrapped up with a Thanksgiving with all of my family, including my four parents and all of my living grandparents for the first time in 12 years. Christmas will be with my husband’s whole family, a truly beautiful season of togetherness, love, laughter, and connection. I feel incredibly blessed, and am overwhelmed with gratitude for what has been a healing and a tremendous growth-infused year.

Reflection on 2013
I have been reflecting on the year I have had: launching the Harmony Compass website, celebrating one year of marriage, tripling our practice family at TUNE | Chiropractic, Health & Healing, opening to the blessing of starting a family of our own, starting the HC blog and newsletter, starting the World-changer Workshops with Jr. high students and high school students, starting my first e-Book, and watching so many of you heal and move into your inspiring soul purposes. You humble me. You are examples of what makes me remember to shine my light, you inspire me daily. I am incredibly grateful for you. 

A little gratitude for you…
Thank you for trusting me and putting your faith in the divine within yourself. Thank you for continuing to reach out to the Divine. Thank you for asking for help. Thank you for taking the guidance from Intuitive Wellness and doing the work to reach your dreams and highest good. Thank you for embracing the lessons and challenges and growing through them. Thank you for loving yourself, and learning to put yourself first. Thank you for trusting me with the people you love, especially your children. Thank you for receiving so that you can give to help make the world a better place. Thank you for seeking your truth. Thank you for exploring your depths. Thank you for being honest with yourself and for intending on more personal integrity in your life. Thank you for including me on your journey. Thank you for being of loving service for the global community. I am grateful to know you.

I am declaring what I am truly grateful for in this way because I know that this is the energy I can send out that will have the most impact in terms of manifesting what I am setting intentions to create for 2014. I hope you take the time to reflect on your year, to find what you are grateful for and to start to feel into what you might want to create for 2014. 

Sending you so much love and light for a creatively juicy, imaginative and inspiring, collaborative and connected, spiritually loving, devoted year filled with joy! May you dance through 2014 in peace and harmony.




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  1. HOLIDAY GUIDANCE 2013: CALM & BRIGHT | Harmony Compass

    […] leftoversWalk in gratitude, there is always something to be grateful for, and as discussed in gratitude leftovers, this is another habit that we can adopt that opens the forces within the Universe that simply give […]