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Your rules are not THE rules. Your moral code, your personal truth, your alignment, your health, and your joy matters. Your highest expression matters. Your rules only exist in your human reality, and your reality experience can change in any moment. The energy of your foundation, your pillars of strength and value systems can be rocked and re-invented by choice. So focus on the integrity of your direction, and your presence, your state, and your choices. You always have choice.

Perhaps the very greatest force of all, LOVE, what we are made of and what moves us, knows very little about rules. Love has shown up in ways that blow our walls down, that stretch our comfort zones, that create movement in stagnant places within, and love exposes our depth. Yet, “love” is one of the most universally analyzed topics: how to control it, how to harness it, how to get it, how to embody it, how to let it go, what’s okay and not okay in love. From what I can tell, the rules about love are, there are no rules. Coupled with the understanding that we are made of it, and we operate on it as fuel. It is beyond words. It is often beyond our ability to harness and express fully. We are evolving, and coming closer to being love in human form, our divine consciousness, our pure state of being, our essence. But why do we have such a hard time? I am speaking of love specifically because this seems to be an area particularly susceptible to our human need to control, also because if we open our hearts to more love, I can’t see how that can hurt. So let’s all take the guidance wherever it may serve us most, but for many it will be within the walls created for love; the very walls that don’t exist if love is present. 

Sure, we set boundaries; we say no, we say yes, we determine our direction. We all seem to have boundaries, some healthy, some purely defensive. If we can look at our boundaries often enough to decide with loving discernment where they need to be in order to help us with our focus, the calling of our souls, we are helping align the entire planet. This doesn’t mean disregard our rules; it means making choices recognizing that our rules can sabotage the very thing we desire most. We can be our own victims through our own rules. We can create our own drama, and we can stifle our own light. What if we open the gates a little bit, to recognize that maybe there is a more guided way to go about making our choices? What if we simply need to open our hearts, look inside, and align with what is true for us? (Regardless of what our ego says, or those around us say, or the world would say…)

I have a thought on love, and on boundaries, tolerance, and rules, what we are comfortable with and what we are not. If all of our ultimate highest expression is love, then should we all (despite any circumstance) align with love? Not romantic or parental or friendship love, just LOVE, as in divine essence, highest consciousness, purity. I’ve heard worse options. I think this means if we all express our uniqueness purely, peacefully moving toward our highest, the tapestry would come together as love. This requires flexibility of our rules. It requires humility and compassion and lifting each other where we feel guided. Judgment needs to be exchanged for compassion. Shame exchanged for openness and unfolding reality, potential, and possibility. I know that this will be challenging for me, but the next time I am upset about something that doesn’t feel right because of my rules, my moral compass, I will try this out. I will see where I can open more, where I can shine, where I can wrap it in love. I am wiling to bet it will feel better than being upset and tense. I do believe in honoring my feelings and exploring them, sitting with the why…but I also know I can get lazy and wander there too long, where there is a solution…it is as simple as being who I am. Love.
June has the energy of fun. Exhilarated as we step into the joy and freedom that comes from being present. Summer is in our corner, providing light, opening us in warming ways, exposing us to love. How can you open your heart today? How can you expand your reality today? Think of the times you have felt absolutely overflowing with love, joy or gratitude. Then recognize that without rules, boundaries and defensive walls, we can have this feeling, build or allow it in any given moment. So if you wake up psychically feeling depleted, or lost, or confused, go inside and fill back up from the inside out with love. It is okay to cocoon in if you need a little downtime, some rest. In fact, rest and relaxation it is healthy. If you sense that what you need is to fill up though, allow the rays of the sun into your bones, know that this is helping you grow, it is helping illuminate anything that needs clearing, and is bringing in more warmth, love and grace into your life. 

Ask yourself:

  • What rules can I let go of today? What perfectionist tendencies can I ease up the reigns on? Where can I see I am already what I need to be?
  • What choice will I make toward my definition of freedom today?
  • Am I learning to embrace divine feminine energy? Am I allowing the guidance that is flowing through me to be experienced, and followed?

Defining freedom, staying open, allowing vulnerable exposure, and at the same time aligning with the healthy boundaries that ensure we focus our energy where it must go for our highest expression will ultimately help us stay in integrity with our truth.

Try this today:

  • Ask yourself: “What do I need in order to trust, just in this moment?” Then, ASK for it!
  • Open to new fuel (i.e. if energy drinks were a pick-me-up before, try a nature walk with no shoes midday, see if you can get the same result, or simply ask your body what it needs instead of giving it a routine solution.)
  • Open to the lesson of patience with yourself and others through this process.



  1. Gretchen

    Thank you Jenna! Your written word really “speaks” to me. This is beautiful!


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