Be patient with your body. Movements are yours to make. Feel free to take steps toward your needed direction, even when that direction points you inward. Search the spaces within for light; see your true self. Healing is beautiful and ever becoming.

We need to stay true to our course.
If we have felt and found our alignment, we also have a built-in sensitivity to when we’re feeling “off.” My husband is a chiropractor, and while he focuses on alignment, he says it is unique to each individual body, I feel this is so true also to our soul alignment. We need to listen to ourselves, and deepen our connection to what is right and true for us as individuals, as well as looking at how this connects with the external environment we’ve created, how we can make choices to support our own journey. 

Our culture shows us a path, our education shows us a path, our family shows us a path, our media exposure shows us a path…maybe even several paths, but we are the ones who choose. We are the ones who interpret our experience; we are given doorways to take the high road. We are here to open, to learn and to grow, to take big breaths and big leaps. Healing is a part of this journey. We will have moments where we hit the summit, and moments where we look up and all we see is mountain, but wherever we are, we can trust the journey, and trust that we have choices. We have a responsibility to our path. Advisors can always give us advice, experts, guides, and teachers can give us expertise, guidance, and lessons, but we are ultimately responsible for our experience, for walking forward. With that knowledge, courage, faith, and intuition become paramount pocket guides for daily living.

Our own healing showcases for us how we make choices.
I had a health hiccup over the past few weeks, and suffice to say it was a little messier than I thought. I had surgery, I took medicine, I re-scheduled work. My body didn’t do what I wanted it to do, what I told it to do. Fear came up, doubt came up, old anger surfaced. This was not my plan, but on some level I deeply believe I created it, asked for it, probably even needed it. My lesson through this was patience…simple but true. Patience so that I could experience self-care, in the simple form of hydration and rest. Patience so I could ask for help. Patience so I could find the deeper gratitude for my overall health. Patience so I could take softer, gentler care of my body. Patience so I could offer quiet support to my needs. I believe one of the best ways to heal is to choose the truest expression of ourselves in any given moment, which tends to lie beneath the surface of frustration or expectations. False representations of ourselves hurt, they also keep the truth locked up, and healing at bay. My surrender into patience opened up an intuitive preparation for my journey going forward, but not without a little fight and a few tears. Through this relatively minor health experience, I was reminded of everything I teach and am given as guidance, to trust what is coming to me intuitively, to listen deeply and to honor that wisdom. My doctor visits, prescriptions, imaging, surgery and recovery were all opportunities for me to choose intuitively, and to trust. I feel that the healthcare system we have today, with all of the different options, the different specialists, the different viewpoints, all of this expanded information yields one thing for sure, a wide open opportunity for us to trust our intuition. 

Coming into graceful acceptance with the healing process in my own life is something that always fascinates me. Just when I think I’ve got it, something comes to heal. It isn’t always physical, in fact most of the time it isn’t. But it is there, nagging and twisting and up for me to do something with. Be with it, explore and open it. Humanly I try to deny it, stuff it or put it on a shelf, but I have learned that healing comes easier with acceptance. Finding healing is a collective agenda but a deeply personal journey. It is part of why we are here.

I am grateful to work in a way that promotes healing. Thank you for working with me.

Check into your healing path; are the choices you are making today helping or hindering your healing?

Ask yourself:

  • What joy have I found in small moments today?
  • How can I clarify my day to be more present?
  • How open is my heart? Am I listening to myself?


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