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Eagerly approaching the line in your slick shoes, you gather up your strategy and muster your strength and send that big ‘ol ball down the bowling lane hoping and wincing, watching and waiting to see how successful your roll was. I have been given a beautiful, and funny picture of our lives, of our paths as bowling lanes…with bumpers. Remember those things? They made it impossible not to hit at least a few pins.

We’re all familiar with free will, “God-given free will,” we have heard this over and over, or “This world offers choice,” however you want to look at it. The point is, given choice we often waffle and scratch our heads and listen to the voices that poke and prod us in our minds. We listen to our inner couch potato that tells us it is so much easier to veg out watching what others do from the sidelines or the comfy couch. We listen to the little child inside that is scared to play with the big kids. We opt out of dancing so we don’t make fools of ourselves. We allow fear to limit us, more often than we would like to admit.

Clients will often ask me if they are on their path. I had an answer for a long time that just affirmed, “Of course you are, how can you not be?” I asked one day, I tuned in, “What do our paths look like?” I get funny, beautiful pictures sometimes. I often feel the image of God as a sun, with so many exquisite rays, channels of divine energy always connected to their source, but uniquely expressing divine energy. You are one of those rays, and that ray is your path, and in this case, your bowling lane.

Guess what? We have bumpers. God built in bumpers. That means that within our lane we can fall. We can stop dead in our tracks and not roll the ball. We can run forward full speed ahead with blinders on and slip and fall. We can drop to our knees and have a pity party. We can turn backward to the past and old patterns or lessons because maybe we didn’t get the lesson all the way the first time around, or it is just so comfortable to return to. We have free will, we have choices, but they are ALL divinely accounted for within our path. Meaning every left, right, up, down, stop, forward, backward, inward, outward, every action, and non-action is accounted for, divinely planned and supported. You can’t fail. You can’t fail and I can’t fail and we can’t fail…it doesn’t fail because there is no such thing as failure. There are lessons, and there are choices. There is suffering or joy, there is faith or fear, and there is hope or worry. We have the choice to experience the highest expression of ourselves. Know that you are supported and taken care of and you won’t end up in the gutter. Know that it is worth it, that you are worth it that the time is now and now is all we have, it is real and it is just a matter of choosing what to do with it. Jump, knowing you will land safely where your soul set up for you to land. You are totally taken care of, supported and loved. Freedom in the safe wings of the angels, in the arms of a loved one, in the knowing that you are the divine inspiration you seek, knowing the love you aspire to have is working not only with you but through you. You are it.

So decisions become easier knowing this…especially if you have written down your highest. Here is your new filter: does this interaction, meeting, job opportunity, interview, relationship, career, home, location, serve your highest and bring you into a higher vibration, closer to love, joy, and peace, or does it leave you stuck where you are, or drag you back into old crappy patterns? You can make decisions a little easier now, but either way you are shining your light in a bumper bowling lane, divinely protected, supported and loved and you can’t fail. You can only learn and grow knowing God (Source, Divine Intelligence, Universe, whatever this is to you) is always universally supporting us.


One Comment to “BUMPER BOWLING”

  1. Shelby

    I absolutely loved this, thanks Jenna! It is just beautiful how true this is, and how things seem to just fall into place when I relax, knowing that I am completely supported. And I’m applying that higher vibration filter to EVERYTHING!!!


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