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Embrace change with grace and love. Right now is the only place you are, and the only place you need to be. Feel the well within you fill with cosmic love, with expanding warmth, allowing light to permeate each and every space until you remember your wholeness. Trust that your process is guided and that your connection is constant. You are infinitely supported. 

All of the themes of spring are so present right now, right on time. We are blooming with the flowers. Old layers and old energies are being swept up and away. We are making room in our garages and in our hearts. We are greeted with the newness of a blank canvas, of rejuvenated energy, of the intensified warmth from the sun as fuel.

What I have seen in my sessions thus far is that March offered a doorway, April has been a little wobbly for many of us, a little less comfortable than other months, and May promises to bring new steadiness through creative light. With the cardinal grand cross, the eclipses and good ol’ taxes wrapping up in April, it doesn’t surprise me that most of us felt like we needed to grab onto something steady. For those of us that are focused on our spiritual growth and development, most of what we used to anchor into or lean on didn’t feel steady either. We may have felt introverted, a little confused and vulnerable. So we were called to go inside, to look within, to find the strength inside of us and move forward from that rooted, faithful place. From within that steady return to center, we can look around and notice what needs to be shifted; we can see where we still may have some spring cleaning to do.

In our house we recently had all of the windows cleaned. This simple gesture brought in a new expanded clarity. It made our house feel bigger. Right now feels like a really good time to wipe off the windows of our heart, to clear the windshield of our inner sight, to open spaces for new perspective and to move the traffic out of the way so there is a clear vessel for guidance to move through. Here is a little spring cleaning checklist to prompt your exploration:

What old thought patters am I ready and willing to release?
What old crutches, vices or addictions no longer serve me?
What will I shift into focus on for the remainder of 2014?
What is my truth right now? What do I need to remember right now?

How am I currently feeling in my life?
How have I been reacting?
The negative emotions I am experiencing are a direct result of  _______________  choice.
What choices do I need to make to shift this darkness into light and/or neutrality? (Fear into faith, worry into hope, frustration into patience)
What are my desired feelings for the remainder of the year?

How connected do I feel?
How in my flow am I?
Is my spiritual practice truly serving my highest good and my deepest joy, or has it become monotonous and need adjusting?
What is the true motivation behind each of my daily actions?

Where can I simplify my life?
What can I clean up in my space and environment that will help clear the way for the remainder of the year?
What am I hanging onto that I feel ready to let go of?

In general: What no longer serves me? Am I willing to release it?

Moving into May with some of the clean up complete, and with centered faith, we are going to quickly attract and manifest exactly the opportunities that are designed to help us grow forward. 2014 is moving incredibly fast. We are almost to the middle of the year and it has felt like a much shorter time frame. This does not have to work against us. In fact, it can be a tremendous propellant for whatever we are called to create this year. It should affirm that the Universe is on our side. Supportive manifestation and alchemical energy is present right now and readily available, so it is a wonderful time for new projects, or for staying consistent with something you feel called to complete this year. All of this said, this is not a time to jam pack our calendars with no wiggle room. We will find the most success if we can focus on a few things we really feel most called to right now. Simplified, focused, intentional visions are incredibly powerful during this time.

If you are called to stillness, to conscious breath, to simply being or appreciating what is around you, trust that. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be doing exactly what you need to be doing. Just make sure if you feel called to clear out, clean up, organize, and wipe down, that you are giving yourself space to do that. Because through simplifying, we can receive deep clarity and clarity will help us navigate the rest of the year.



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