I’m going to say something bold. We are all addicts. Yup. We all have addictions, we all have self-sabotaging behaviors and we’re all scared little humans…Well that and outrageously beautiful Divine beings of Light here to connect and serve in massively Loving ways.

But I want to talk about addiction, and self-sabotage, because these energies are so blatantly apparent and up for everyone this year. I am seeing people protect themselves where no protection is needed, where there is a deepened experience or further intimacy available. I’ve noticed that in the energy of feeling raw and open and seen, we can tend to cower, self-deprecate and default into what is comfortable. This comfortable suffering is no place to be right now while there is a grand energetic opportunity to be more of who we are, to unveil what our truths would have us radiate. Addictions and self-sabotaging behaviors get in the way of our Divine alignment and they harness our experience by stopping us dead in our tracks, squashing our spirit, cutting us off from Love, exterminating thriving and the pursuit of higher joy.

One addiction I have battled with is sugar, and just bad food in general. By bad I mean boggy, cloggy, bready cloudy food that shuts my system down, that slows me way down when I won’t give that gift to myself. I am aware of it, I know that if I am craving really bad food it is likely because I am feeling too much, that I am up to my neck in intuitive stuff and instead of slowing down, processing, sitting with it, spending time in meditation, talking it through with my guides, I would rather go through a drive through, and literally stuff it down and clog it up.

This is not as much of a problem now that I am highly aware of it, and have a very food-conscious husband. I was raised in a household where we got to have Carl’s Jr. for lunch and watch TV when we were sick. So what do I want when I am spiritually sick? You got it. And I’m not blaming my family or up-brining, because I have all the free will in the world to make a different choice, I am just saying that our self-sabotaging behaviors, our addictions, might very well lie in unconscious corners of repetitive actions or latent values. We have to remember that we have choice; we have the gift of free will. We even have choice around other people’s choices, so we are responsible for our experience.

Take a look…
-What are your addictions?
-What are your recurring negative thoughts/stories?
-Where has self-sabotage shown up in your life?
-How are you judging yourself around them, and in that way perpetuating the negativity?
-What is the big juicy part of your Highest Joy you’re working on? What fears are you aware of that might try to get in the way of your joy in the form of addiction or self-sabotage?

So, what do we do with these tendencies? How do we handle them from a spiritual standpoint? Well, there are many philosophies here, so I will just offer a few thoughts. We must first be aware that there is a tendency, an addictive pattern to begin with. This requires us to expand our awareness. I am a firm believer that if we are at Point A, and Point B is where we want to be (let’s just say that Point B is a level of Joy that doesn’t allow this old tendency to penetrate) that the Divine knows how to get us there, and we can be in communication on the journey to receiving guidance and assistance navigating when we’re lost, floundering or just having a hard time. We simply have to show up with the courageous desire to face change, and actively pursue our Highest Joy.

If our Highest Joy is LOVE ACTIVATED, then our self-sabotage and addictions are FEAR ACTIVATED.
So let’s take a look at our fears, literally look at what is lying underneath the addictive choices you’re making, what is the WHY? Are there fears lurking there? Are you scared of failure or being accepted? Are you feeling insecure about your dreams or where you stand in a relationship? That is the starting ground my friend, right there. Name the fears, without judgment, look at them, and imagine your child had that fear, or your very best friend, what advice would you give them? How much compassion would you have for them? What ways could you think of to help them move through those fears? Do any of these alternatives feel better to you? What Divine Guidance can you receive about this?  Have you gone to your Soul, your inner wisdom, your guides and angels with a request for help?

I’ll illustrate:

Addiction / Self-Sabotaging behavior: eating sugar and cloggy, low life-force foods
The Why: I don’t want to feel so much. I have been irresponsible with my boundaries and I have gone deep into overload and overwhelm. I won’t slow down to process.
Advice for a child with this pattern / fear: Notice when you start to feel full, or overwhelmed, you will often feel it in your energy center over your tummy. If you feel tightness there, it is time to take a time out and go to your favorite quiet space. Be with your feelings. Maybe dance it out, stretch it out, breathe quietly in nature, write about it, get in water, let the tears come through, call on your angels, say prayers, talk to the feelings, talk to a trusted friend…make sure you do what makes you feel better before it gets too big. Start to get really good at noticing your feelings early. Ask the angels for a bubble of protection to be placed around you to help you hold your own space and feelings instead of the energies around you.

Divine Guidance: Feeling is a gift. It is a communication mechanism. If you shut it down you shut US down, and we are here to help. When you need protection, slow down and ask for it, (in a whisper, they softly show me and say with a soft nudge, “It only takes 2 seconds, “ and I can feel the warmth of a Divine hug of protection and the softening of a Divine smile upon me, I know my angels are with me).

Try this and let me know how it goes.

With all the love I have to give, and in hopes that you recognize how radiant you are today,

Jenna Gessay

Founder of JennaGessay.com & Co-Founder of TUNE | Chiropractic, Health & Healing. Intuitive Consultant, Freelance Writer & Eternal Student. "Be the light that you are."

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