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Right now, breathe into you. Find your light. There are answers right beneath your skin, the place you are staying in is creating more discomfort than what you will experience if you will peel a few layers back. If you will go underneath the surface, if you will extend beyond your own sphere, if you will reach for the fingers of the Divine.

It takes courage friends, heaps and mounds of courage. So here’s a little start…

TLC and gentle self-care are needed at this time. And feeling this intuitively can be simple, let’s take 5 minutes right now and just tune in with ourselves and see if anything comes up:
Close your eyes and check in with your own body, is there stretching that needs to happen? Is your body calling for a specific movement? Do you need to rest? What foods is your body asking for? Tap into the wisdom in your cells. Check into your mind, what keeps coming up? What film are you playing? What are you projecting out that is originating in you? How can you notice and acknowledge your thoughts and then see with loving, compassionate inner eyes the truth behind them? Are there any cobwebs in your spiritual centers? What is blocking you from your intuition? How is your heart center feeling? Can a creative project help you feel more in your flow?

It seems that there are some whoppers up for healing right now: old patterns, stubborn, stale belief systems, traumas to release, etc. that will help us with our own energetic re-alignment. There was a vast feeling and trend of loss over the summer months: ending of relationships, death, letting go of old attachments, shedding identities, and broken contracts. Through this loss, there is a gift of a little more space, and that space is meant for healing. As busy as it seems like you are, now is the perfect time for self-care and to make space for healing to happen, to allow it. As we wind down the year together, let’s honor that space, and that healing, and let the Divine fill the space for us.

A few loving reminders that are coming up clearly for this community are:

  • ASK FOR HELP: Work with your guides, angels, loved ones, friends, family and of course your own higher self/soul/inner light
  • BE THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE: As often as you can, shine from the inside out, rather than leaning on your external appearance to do the work. Be authentic with your feelings, and remember that at your core, at the truth point of who you are, you are perfect and were created by the Divine. You are loved in all of your layers, in all of your “messy”.
  • CREATE IF IT GETS THINGS MOVING: If you are feeling blocked or stuck, make a move…walk toward your truth through creative expression. Paint a wall, choose a new color to wear, do your hair differently, play with lighting in your favorite space, create an altar or do some guided writing.
  • RECEIVE HEALING: Receive a shamanic healing, work with your consciousness astrologer, come see me for an Intuitive Wellness session, be with family in a new way, hold hands, hug and receive, give in bite size portions, pray for a mentor, work with a coach, feel your anger as passion and perhaps let it roar up and out into safe, non-violent spaces (like meditation). Lift the boulders and see what is underneath. Where is the fear?
  • DIVE INTO YOUR HEALTHIEST HABITS: When things get hard, dive into your healthiest habits, as my husband an amazing healer and chiropractor says, “Eat well, move well, think well and rest well.” This is a really good time to stay deeply committed to your spiritual practice as well.

May your heart blossom open, may the new spaces in your psychic awareness allow you to release what no longer serves, to make room for what will and may you trust the process. Happy healing. Rest in your light and your knowing faith.

Jenna Gessay

Founder of JennaGessay.com & Co-Founder of TUNE | Chiropractic, Health & Healing. Intuitive Consultant, Freelance Writer & Eternal Student. "Be the light that you are."

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